Friday, February 19, 2016

Step-by-Step Binding Tutorial - My Way

I’ve had many quilters ask me to revisit bindings.  It seems that the video I did for Quilter’s World magazine has been very popular.  I must warn you that I tend to do things a bit different than the conventional double-folded binding so if my way doesn’t appeal to you, well there are several great ways to do it.  How you choose to do your bindings is a personal preference so look around until you find the technique that appeals to you. 

Once your binding has been selected, stitched end to end to make the needed length and pressed in half its time to stitch it to the quilted and trimmed piece. 

1. The first thing I do is fold a 45 degree angle at the end of my binding to be attached to the quilted piece,  I open up the folded and pressed binding, fold a 90 degree which in turn makes the 45 degree angle then fold it back into place.  This creates a “pocket” for the finishing. 

2. Place the folded end pocket on the quilts raw edge you are placing the binding  on and pin into place.


 3. Start stitching at or before the 45 degree fold using a ¼” seam allowance and continue until you’re about an inch from the corner.  Stop and using a ruler mark the binding with a pencil ¼ inch from the edge. 

4. Continue to stitch to the ¼” line and stop with needle in down postion.

5. Raise presser foot and pivot, lower presser foot and continue stitching off at a 45 degree angle off to the point.

6 .Fold up the binding using the 45 degree angle as your guide.

7. Then fold the binding back down and align with the next side of the quilt.

8. Starting at the top of the second side stitch the binding into place again stopping about an inch from the next corner and repeat step 4 – 7 at each corner.


9. When you round the fourth corner and before you reach the binding pocket stop a few inches from the start and mark a diagonal line on the lose binding end so that there is a ½ inch overlap with the bottom attached pocket start. 
10. Trim to the line.

11. Tuck the loose diagonal point into the pocket and pin into place.

12. Continue to stitch along the raw edge until you’re back at the beginning and it is stitched all the way around. 
13. There should be a upside down “V” where the two end meet. 

14. Trim off the extra length of binding that was folded to make the pocket.

15. Your binding is ready to stitch down.  Starting on the front side of the binding bring your needle in from the back and slip stitch the diagonal seam together.

16. Slip stitch the diagonal seam together to the top edge.

 17. Flip the binding over to the back side of the quilt and finish stitching all the way around and bury your knot.


Monday, February 15, 2016

Ten Ways to Get a New Sewing Machine...



Last summer, my best friend and faux sister, Laura, and I were brainstorming fun newsletter ideas.  You know those crazy ideas that start with a single crazy thought and grow.  It’s what good friends do when they get together.  It all came about because I was thinking about buying a new sewing machine. Not that I needed one, but if you’re a quilter, you know how that is.  What’s need got to do with it?  One idea lead to another and then we were off. Even the husbands joined in. 
I recently found our list and thought I’d share the craziness. It brought back good memories and…well, if you’re looking for a creative way to get rid of the old sewing machine and make way for a new one these are a few options you may want to consider.

Ten ways to dispose of your old sewing machine to make way for a new one.

1. Boat anchor – Tie your old machine to the boat anchor rope and throw it overboard.

2. Machine chucking – You know what they do with pumpkins and a catapult.

3. Barb-a-que it! – Imagine your husbands surprise when he goes to check the burgers and finds your machine.

4. Yard Art (machine on a stick) – Wouldn’t it look great in your flower bed?

5. Target practice- Take a few pot shots at it.

6. Muscle man weightlifting – Donate it to the local gym.

7. Tenderizing meat – Drop it several times on your round steak. 

8. Turn it into a mail box ornament – attach it to your mailbox to let all know you’re a quilter.  Besides what a great decoration. 

9. Turn into a Christmas ornament – Hang it on your tree with a note telling Santa you need a new one.

10. Car hood ornament – Put it on your car to show the world your special talent.

Just a few great ways to repurpose that old machine and I’m sure you could come up with at least a dozen more if you wanted to.  And I need to add a disclaimer here…This is just for fun and not really a solution to disposing of your old machine.  This was just a group of very dear friends having a bit of fun.






Monday, February 8, 2016

What To Do With 600 Quilts....

I seem to have a bit more time on my hands now and with that time I am concentrating  putting my quilting ducks-in-a-row.  Meaning, I plan to do more quilting, both in design and in actual stitching.  For the past fifteen years it’s been about the shoppe and/or the magazine and getting those patterns published.  It’s time for me to do more of what I want to do than what I have to do.  Now don’t get me wrong, I love what I do but……well…..I want to take it a step farther. I want to explore my options.  I want to quilt for myself.  Selfish as that may seem it’s what I want to do.  I want to take my time and make something fantastic, creative and without a deadline. Something special, challenging and just for me.
Now that our shoppe has closed and I am totally overwhelmed with how many quilts I actually have, I’ve opened a store on etsy.  I’m slowly listing some of the 600 or so quilts I’ve managed to make over the years that were in books, magazines, newsletters, store samples or quilts I just had to make.  If you’d like to visit my shop the address is
Quilts sorted for my Etsy store.

I’ve also sorting a stack of quilts for my favorite charity, Genesys Health Foundation, I haven’t forgotten them.  I owe them so much. 

Quilts sorted for my charity. 

I will also be adding some of my patterns as PDF downloads in the coming months to the etsy store along with rebuilding our shoppe website.  It’s a work in progress.  As I’ve mentioned before, computers and I are not on the best of terms.  I choose to think it has to do with my age or maybe that I tend to be creative more that technical, so bear with me. 
If you have suggestions about… What to do with 600 quilts, I’m all ears.  I'm interested in your opinion.   Feel free to leave a comment. Let me know what you think.  What you’d like to see me address on this blog.  I want to craft a site for quilters about quilters.  A place to sound off, get information, share information and of course be inspired.  
After all, It Takes a Village…



Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Blogging…what an experience.

This is my third attempt at a blog.  The first one I just gave up on. The second, well that was going terrific until, for some reason, I could no long post on it.  The behind the scene workings just disappeared even though it could still be seen on-line.  I just couldn’t access it to write or post.  I must admit I am not a computer person.  I’m creative not computer savvy.  I know enough to get by but I’ll never be a computer geek.  Quilting…well…quilting geek I am. 

My hope is that…well…I will be able to keep this blog up and running and that it will become a place where quilters can share ideas, knowledge and inspiration.  A place where you can sound off (about quilt related ideas) and hopefully get the answers you are looking for.  A fun place and not to serious. 

Put me on your favorites list and stop by and watch my progress.  Be a part of it. 

Stay tuned and wish me luck! (I’m going to need it)