Monday, February 15, 2016

Ten Ways to Get a New Sewing Machine...



Last summer, my best friend and faux sister, Laura, and I were brainstorming fun newsletter ideas.  You know those crazy ideas that start with a single crazy thought and grow.  It’s what good friends do when they get together.  It all came about because I was thinking about buying a new sewing machine. Not that I needed one, but if you’re a quilter, you know how that is.  What’s need got to do with it?  One idea lead to another and then we were off. Even the husbands joined in. 
I recently found our list and thought I’d share the craziness. It brought back good memories and…well, if you’re looking for a creative way to get rid of the old sewing machine and make way for a new one these are a few options you may want to consider.

Ten ways to dispose of your old sewing machine to make way for a new one.

1. Boat anchor – Tie your old machine to the boat anchor rope and throw it overboard.

2. Machine chucking – You know what they do with pumpkins and a catapult.

3. Barb-a-que it! – Imagine your husbands surprise when he goes to check the burgers and finds your machine.

4. Yard Art (machine on a stick) – Wouldn’t it look great in your flower bed?

5. Target practice- Take a few pot shots at it.

6. Muscle man weightlifting – Donate it to the local gym.

7. Tenderizing meat – Drop it several times on your round steak. 

8. Turn it into a mail box ornament – attach it to your mailbox to let all know you’re a quilter.  Besides what a great decoration. 

9. Turn into a Christmas ornament – Hang it on your tree with a note telling Santa you need a new one.

10. Car hood ornament – Put it on your car to show the world your special talent.

Just a few great ways to repurpose that old machine and I’m sure you could come up with at least a dozen more if you wanted to.  And I need to add a disclaimer here…This is just for fun and not really a solution to disposing of your old machine.  This was just a group of very dear friends having a bit of fun.







  1. I had forgotten some of those items...made me have a good laugh for the day! My favorite is the boat anchor.

  2. We could try it on the 4th. I'm sure Carroll has a few extra machines laying around.
